
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

semuanya sudah berakhir


selame 3 tahun bersame
byk aku belajar kt perak ni


thanks to all my dedicated lecturers, en azrul, en celi, pn sue, pn huzei, en zach dan lain2 (termasuk pemilik kfc) ahhahaah

thanks to all my friends, byk pengalaman manis n pahit dgn korg..korg mmg best lah!

lastly, to my beloved parents and family, thanks for your support..really appreciate it!

to my frinds yg smbg shah alam.,selamat menjadi host buat kali kedue!ALAM2011
no more jenin2 ok!

for those yg amek course lain, hope u will be better yarh!yakin!

yg penting...
ape pun yg kte pilih
niat mesti kerane Allah

bye for now


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pecah kace pecah cermen
sudah bace harap komen...hahaha